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Welcome back all you tranny loving freaks! Today we have a special treat for you guys out there.We have got another episode of the infamous the one and only Super Ramon! Our lovely Jessi Martinez is out on a stroll when she suffers a fall and hurts herself.Who s that coming to her rescue The SuperMonstercock himself Super Ramon!! Or is it Now if there s one thing we know about the lovely Jessi Martinez she s not just looks this broad has brains too.She spots the Super Ramon imposter right off the bat! No way this is the genuine Super Ramon.As much as people try to take that title there s no way to fill this man s shoes. What the fake Ramon didn t expect was the real one to show up.Now if you know one thing about this situation is that when there s tranny ass involved there s plenty to go around.Our superhero isn t selfish he loves to share his goods. Jessi Martinez is definitely down for some double cocking. Let s get right down to the action folks .Jessi Martinez gets a load of twice the Super cock in 2 Ramons
Jessi Martinez
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Super Ramon
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