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LadyboyObsession episode 36 with Prem. I saw Prem s or as I like to call her Premmie s latest set of pictures on Instagram. Looking as hot as can be. I asked myself why have I not been meeting this hottie for more than a week I contacted her and asked her if she could come over. She replied by sending me a pic of her on the beach having some seafood turned out she was somewhere in the south. Drats. She also said she can t talk right now so she was probably with some guy showing the time of his life. Of course it was just as likely Prem just wasn t the least bit interested in speaking to me while she was kicking it at the beach. Prem got back to me about a week later and asked if I still wanted to meet. I told her DEFINITELY as long as she d bring that sexy beach wear she was rocking in the photo she sent me. And she did. Enjoy Prem s beach look in action on Ladyboy Obsession.
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