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LadyboyObsession episode 1 with Benzey. I was out on a Saturday on a date but things weren t going so well and I grew bored quickly it didn t look like I was getting laid with her but I didn t feel so bad about it I had noticed Benzey threatening the dance floor with her smooth sexy movements. I had been distracted for a while so suddenly my date stood up and before I knew it I had a tequila sunrise in my face and she walked off. I knew the night was going bad but I didn t see that coming I didn t know people actually did that outside of Hollywood movies. Benzey came over to invite me to dance with her after she saw I was alone. But I told her I wasn t much of a dancer and I was soaked which was partly her fault. She showed her amazing smile and told me she d make it up to me with a dance in my room but only if we d leave right that instant.
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