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LadyboyObsession episode 106 with Nadine. I was hanging around in an area with lots of colleges and therefore even more coffeeshops to have some tea as they wouldn t sell me any spirits. And I noticed the large groups of students walk by after finishing their classes. Some of them came in to the shop and among them I saw Nadine whom I had talked to a couple of times after she was introduced by one of her friends. She acknowledged my presence with a little smile and a nod but didn t come near me. Fair enough what would her friends say So after I finished my drink I up and left and went back home. On the way I received a text from her asking me whether or not I really made porn videos like her friend claimed. I told her sorry and yes then she asked me if I wanted to make a tape with her as well. You know the answer as you re reading this obviously watch her very first porn video ever only here.
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