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LadyboyObsession episode 142 with Chloe. OMG! That is literally what I thought when I first saw Chloe look at me from behind a bar when I walked past somewhere in the rotten streets of Pattaya. She gave me a cute shy smile but unlike virtually everyone and everything else in that street wasn t gesturing me to come over or pulling me in. I felt the all to familiar little shock in my knob that serves as a radar for girls that will look good on film. Though she seemed shy when we talked I literally saw her pop a boner when I showed her some clips of my videos after she asked me what I was doing in Pattaya. Before I asked her she had me know she wanted to do it also. She wasn t hiding her bulge and when I told her to finish the drinks and wait a bit it didn t calm her hard on. So we ended up finding motorbike taxi s while she was fully hard I wonder how her driver felt with her dick stabbing his back while he drove her.
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