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LadyboyObsession episode 34 with Koko. I ran into Koko in one of the local bars where pervs like myself go to see sexy girls like Koko. I was minding my own business when suddenly two hands came from behind and went straight for my belly roles. I heard some giggles and when I turned to see who it was I was surprised to see Koko because I had never run into her around that area. Actually I hadn t seem her in like forever. She showed me her teeth and pointed at them asking me if I like what the dentist had done to the color. They were so clean and pearly white that the purple blacklight beaming from her mouth almost blinded me. I told her I loved it and then went on to ask her if she d like to give the stripper pole in my room a spin. Sure enough she was up for that as long as I d leave the condom off. Love these horny bareback fuckdolls. Koko wanted my dick inside her little crack and to empty her sack. Perfect.
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