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Blu Chanelle needs a pet and shes definitely the one to adopt. The moment she saw her next kitten she had to order it from the website. Soon enough her brand new pet has arrived and its exactly what she wanted an obedient roleplaying kitten named Josephine Jackson with a surprise between her pants. At first Josephine just executed commands she played with her toys licked her paws meowed and drank milk from a bowl but eventually she needed some affection. Blu Chanelle welcomes the new kitten up in her lap and starts petting her for a job well done. Though this kitten is a bit naughty and it seems as if Josephine got something poking between her legs a big futa cock. She of course doesnt say a word but rather looks up to her new owner with those big watery eyes and Blu just had to reach and start stroking that cock. Josephine soon sticks her tongue out and licks Blus pussy and the sweet juice flowing out of it is tastier than any milk ever could be. Now what is a futa cock worth if you dont use it to the fullest Josephine cant wait to slip inside Blu and fuck her good for being treated so nicely.
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